About Laser Hair Removal

Why Laser Hair Removal?

We all have body/facial hair of some sort, excess hair may be the result of medical conditions, hormones or simply for cosmetic preferences. Removal of hair in certain regions such as the face, armpits, legs and bikini line for women and the chest and back for men can greatly improve confidence and convenience. The medical grade diode laser removal systems we use offers clinically-proven, safe and effective long-term removal of unwanted hair.

How does it work?

To achieve long lasting or permanent hair reduction, it is necessary to destroy the hair follicle from which individual hairs grow. Pulses of light are absorbed by one of the body’s own natural chemicals - melanin, in the hair contained in the follicle.

Melanin converts the light energy into heat. This heat is transferred to the hair follicle, which is destroyed, making it unable to produce a new hair. The treatment is only effective on  hairs in the growth stage as these are still attached to the follicle. The majority of our hair is in the resting phase (hair in the skin but not attached to the follicle) which is why more than one treatment is necessary ensuring all hairs in the growing stage of each new hair cycle are captured to give the optimum results.

What is the process?

  • Step 1 - Consultation

    Consultation happens first, you need to be safe to treat. This mandatory and essential exercise determines the suitability of treatment. During consultation we agree on treatment areas and discuss pre and post treatment guidelines which must be adhered to, you will need to plan around this for both safety and best results. A patch test will be carried out after consultation providing you are a suitable candicate, this will be done 24 hours minimum to your first sesison.

  • Step 2 - Pre treatment

    Pre treatment, the areas being treated will need to be shaved the day before or day of your appointment. Ensure the skin is free of any creams, fake tan and makeup on the treatment areas. Avoid waxing / hair removal creams for 3 weeks prior to your first session to ensure the hairs are attached to the follicle. Also no sunbeds or sunbathing 10 days before and after your appointment.

  • Step 3 -Treatment Day

    On treatment day , we will talk through the areas to ensure you are happy to proceed. 

    For Intimate areas, you can choose to wear your own underwear or we have disposables available. You will be covered with a towel and your modesty will be protected throughout the treatment to ensure you are comfortable. 

  • Step 4 - Post Treatment

    Aloe vera gel will be applied post treatment and is recommended to use for 3 days after your appointment. Avoid excessive heat for 48 hours and and we advise sun holidays and sunbeds are not recommended for 10 days before and after your treatment, don't worry we can easily plan around any holidays booked. we will schedule your next appointment which will be between 4-8 week time.

    We recommend 6-8 sessions to accommodate for cyclical hair growth, you may feel you need less than 6 but as everyone is different we can never say an exact figure, you may notice some faster results and the decision is yours as to whether to continue the full course of treatments, alternatively you may require more than 6 sessions, it is hormone related so everybody differs.

    Following your course, we say “goodbye for now” We recommend an 6 month / annual top up session (single session) if required, again this is your choice based on your body, hair growth, hormones and genetics.

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